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Okay, I know I’ve been lacking in the “Nerf Deals” category of this website, but I’m about to make it up right now! Today (and for the next few days) it will be Amazon Prime Deal Days over on Amazon and they’ve got some great savings on Nerf blasters! And I mean there are some BIG Nerf sales! But hurry up, these prices won’t last forever…

So I knew Prime Deal Days was coming. I’ve known about it for weeks, which makes it even worse that I never mentioned it on here, but look – I’ve got a good excuse for that, ok? I’m not going to tell you what it is, haha, but I do have some good excuses. And no, it’s not laziness. Lol. So I knew about Prime Deal Days, right? But I didn’t know there would be big Nerf sales like this. Holy cow.

There’s only one caveat to these big Nerf sales: you must be an Amazon Prime member. And why wouldn’t you be, right? I mean, right? Free 2 day or even overnight or same day shipping, and Amazon Prime Video (which I love) and even more – who wouldn’t join that? If you haven’t joined yet, I won’t judge you if you sign up quickly, right here: Amazon Prime. I’ll even close my eyes while you sign up 🫣
Big Nerf Sales on Nerf Blasters!

So first and foremost, and it’ll be funny since this blaster was in my last Nerf deals article, but… the Nerf LMTD Halo Needler is on sale again! And, honestly, I’ve never seen the price drop this much. Amazon prices do fluctuate, so you’ll have to click the link or the picture to be taken straight over to their site to check the price. But trust me, if it’s still on sale when you check it out… You won’t regret it! This blaster is all sorts of cool!

Next up, we’ve got a blaster that is basically the Rodney Dangerfield of NERF blasters because it just doesn’t get enough respect! If you ask me, this is the absolute best Nerf blaster that’s been released IN YEARS! And it’s the Nerf Elite 2.0 Double Punch, of course! (Review coming very soon!) Imagine two Nerf Stryfe’s glued together, but with a single grip and a freaking BINARY TRIGGER linking everything together. One pull of the trigger, two shoots fired back to back. Seems nuts, right? Because it is.

Wow! For this next one, if you have a Fortnite kid, then you’re going to want to pay attention. The NERF Fortnite B-AR Motorized dart blaster is on sale for over 50% off at the time of this article. Now listen; the Fortnite B-AR is basically a Nerf Elite Rayven re-shell and who doesn’t love a good Rayven? It’s basically a bullpup Stryfe and the Stryfe is one of the best Nerf blasters ever made. Check it out!

This next one I have here is usually only for hardcore Star Wars fans because of its price to performance ratio. But at this price, I’d recommend it for anybody. It’s the NERF Star Wars Amban Phase Pulse Blaster and it looks very cool. It’s a huge sniper rifle looking blaster from The Mandalorian and if you or someone you know is a fan of that show or Star Wars in general, now would be the time to pick this bad boy up. The premium version is also on sale, but it still might be too pricy for what it offers.

The NERF Ultra Select is a blaster that I’ve been contemplating for a good long time now. And it’s usually because the price is too high to justify for an Ultra Series blaster, but… this price and a few YouTuber recommendations have made this one of the big Nerf sales I honestly can’t resist. The gimmick here on this blaster (two mags that you can switch between on the fly) is too cool for school and to be honest I just might have to pull the trigger here!
Big Nerf Sales Blaster Roundup
Those were the standouts for big Nerf sales on blasters at Amazon Prime Deal Days (so far), but who knows? They might add more stuff each today. You’ll have to keep checking! That’s just the way it is with Amazon bargain hunting, c’mon, you should know that by now, baby!

So some of the other blasters that were on sale were cool, but I didn’t think they deserved their own paragraph. They are either old or otherwise not too popular these days, but they’re still good solid blasters! We’ve got the Nerf Stryfe, which is always a classic Nerf blaster choice, even today. Some Hammershot, Strongarm, and Kronos sales if you’re looking for a Nerf blaster pistol. They’ve even got some old stuff like the Nerf Modulus and the Nerf Mega Mastodon on sale here, which is crazy. Even the Nerf Elite Rampage is on sale, I didn’t even know they still made that blaster!

And that’s it, that’s the way the cookie crumbles. There are some really good items here on Amazon’s list of big Nerf sales and I think you should absolutely check them out. There are more blasters that I didn’t list here and there are even some Nerf targets and offbrand blasters that I think might be worth a look. So enough reading here, get to shopping! Christmas will be here before you know it and these deals won’t last forever — hurry up!
Thanks for reading and make sure you bookmark this website and maybe even make it your homepage (lol), so you can stay up to date with the latest and greatest in Nerf News, Blaster Reviews, and, of course, all of the next big Nerf sales!
Foam Head Opinions