Time for Black Friday Nerf Shopping! Oh, you thought I was actually leaving the house? If you thought I was really going somewhere, you were dead wrong, baby. I don’t even like going to the grocery store. (Shoutout to Amazon Fresh!) Look, I didn’t even like going to brick and mortar stores before the ‘Rona. So whenever I say I’m “going shopping,” well then you know what I really mean is “I’m going to sit down at my PC and open a hundred and one Chrome tabs.” Amazon, Target, Walmart — the Nerf Shopping Trifecta. Ready to begin? Let’s get it.

So I started off Friday morning like any other day; rolling out of bed and jumping onto my computer. I was Black like always, but this time the Friday was, too. Of course my next stop was to window shop Amazon like I always do because today was Black Friday. Normally when I scroll through Amazon’s endless pages, I’m looking at all sorts of products. But as I’m trying to get back into Nerf blogger mode, I instinctively went to look at what deals there were for Black Friday Nerf blasters. Turns out the deals were aplenty.
Black Friday Nerf Blasters.:
The first Nerf blaster that caught my attention was the Nerf LMTD Halo Needler Dart-Firing Blaster. Can you really blame me? I mean look at that thing, it’s gorgeous. If you remember a few years ago, Mattel was still in the dart blaster game and they had the Halo contract. If you’ve seen both blasters, then you know: Nerf does it better. Way better. Anyway, this blaster was on sale for about 30% off, which is great. The Nerf Needler already seems pretty worth it at it’s usual price, so to get that much off is a bonus.
Next up, I spotted this cool little Nerf Rival pistol. Back when I was still in the Nerf game, there were no Rival blasters that looked like this. This little Nerf Rival Fate looks like a good contender for “Best Rival Plinker.” And the deals I saw for this were 50%+ off. It’s actually still on sale for cheaper than MSRP right now. Anyway, I can’t wait to test this thing out. I doubt it replaces my Deadpool Kronos…
Then, I saw this Black Friday Nerf blaster! And, correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like this Nerf Halo MA40 Motorized Dart Blaster has been around for a while. I remember wanting to pick one of these up and never getting it. It’s so funny to see all of these Halo blasters coming out under Nerf when before I went away, Mattel’s BoomCo line of “straw-dart” blasters were releasing all the Halo stuff. Anyway, this one was only on sale for around 15-20% off. Not huge, but it was a decent deal on a good blaster.
Next on my Black Friday Nerf Shopping journey, I took a really hard look at the Nerf Modulus Demolisher 2-in-1, too. It was on sale for about 30% off its MSRP. I’ve always loved the Demolisher and now it’s sporting Modulus colors? Wow! I don’t know if you know this, but I was something of a Modulus fanboy myself. And I’ve gotta say, it looks good in Modulus paint. I like the original, but I know some people thought it was TOO orange. I see it still has that moderately uncomfortable shoulder stock, though. Ha!
Speaking of Nerf Modulus blasters, Amazon also had this legend of a sniper rifle featured prominently in their Black Friday Nerf Shopping ads.: The Nerf Modulus Longstrike CS-6.
Man, oh man, am I upset I missed this when it first came out. I have always loved the Longstrike — it just has the PERFECT look for a Nerf sniper. And it was so much the main Nerf sniper for so long that the only thing people could compare it to was the Nerf Longshot.
And if you know me, you know I absolutely hate when people call the Longshot a sniper. It’s clearly an “assault rifle” styled blaster. /Rant.
Back to the Longstrike, it’s beautiful. Reminds me of the Whiteout Series Longstrike that I painstakingly hunted down before this came out. Except it’s even better now. It’s got perfect attachments, including new mags, a proper sniper scope, and a beefy bipod. Oh, and we finally get Elite performance out of this thing now? Cool.

My Black Friday NERF Shopping Experience and The Disparity of Expectations vs Reality.
Now I’m going to share with you something that I find absolutely infuriating about my Black Friday Nerf shopping day.
I spent time scrolling through page after page of sweet Nerf deals and adding some to my shopping cart just to get my hands on some juicy new Nerf blasters. It’s been a while since I went Nerf blaster shopping and years since I went Black Friday Nerf shopping. So I was understandably excited. I was so exhilarated that I… I fell asleep. At my desk. For the entire night (and the whole morning, don’t judge me).
My golden exhilaration had suffered an alchemical transmutation and turned to exhaustion. By the time I remembered and went back to check, everything was either sold out or back to normal pricing. How does that age old saying go? “If luck was a dump truck, I’d have no ass.” It’s something like that.
Anyway, this is how I reacted when I found out.:
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