The Game Face Trion is the latest in a long line of high performance pump-action springer blasters. It looks cool, sure, but does it actually offer anything new to the hobby? Keep reading to discover the Top 10 things you need to know about the Trion…
- Rock Solid, Sturdy Shell
- High-Performance
- Slam-Fire
- Adjustable Chrono Velocity
- Some Trion’s have issues locking up
- Questionable Reliability
- Stock and Grip may not be for everyone
Table of Contents
This is the Game Face Trion, the only dart blaster where foreplay isn’t only recommended, it’s basically required! This is her first time, so let’s get her warmed up, fellas. Let’s get her hot and ready, like Little Caesar’s pizza.

Now if you don’t know what foreplay is, well then you probably shouldn’t be reading this article. Basically, what it means is we need to play with this blaster… before we can play with this blaster, if you know what I mean.
1. The Game Face Trion Has Issues
The Game Face Trion is a quirky blaster. Sometimes, and more frequently than you think, the Trion will refuse to fire a single dart. The whole blaster will just lock up.

Now it sounds bad, but it’s really not really. You could take the whole blaster apart and tinker with it and fix all of the issues, sure. But there is another way. And it’s way more fun. Slam-Firing the Trion’s brains out will just break it in and auto-magically fix the issue. Guaranteed.

This blaster just needs some TLC, or tender loving care. The Game Face Trion just needs a little… sexual healing.
2. The Trion is Made by an Airsoft Company
Anyway. She’s nice and hot now and ready to go. The Game Face Trion competition blaster is a high-performance dart blaster made by airsoft company, Game Face. Show me your game face!

Now Game Face is mostly an airsoft company, right, but they’ve dabbled here in the “dart zone” before. They also released the Game Face (Havoc) Prime, which was an American version of the Jet Blaster Ceda S. They were supposed to release a pistol called the Geon, too, but I’m still waiting for that thing to show up.
3. This is What’s in the Box

Back to the Game Face Trion! It is a high-performance, spring-powered, pump-action, mag-fed foam flinger that shoots half-length darts only. In the box, you’ll find the blaster itself (duh), a safety orange muzzle device, front and rear ABS sights, a 15-dart magazine, 15 darts, a couple of spring spacers, and the user manual.
4. The Trion is Just Another Pump-Action Springer
Now, like I said earlier, it’s a pump-action springer… just like those dozen or so other high powered pump-action springers that we have in the hobby today. So what sets it apart? And is it any better? Let’s take a look at this blaster a little closer.

5. The Game Face Trion is VERY Tacti-cool
So, going over the Game Face Trion, starting at the front of the blaster we have our good ol’ muzzle. There’s no N-Strike barrel lug here, but there is a threaded barrel. How real-steel of you, Trion! The included muzzle device looks like some kind of muzzle brake. It screws right onto the barrel and gives the Trion an extra splash of safety orange at the front of the blaster.

Moving up the barrel, the handguard features… actual M-LOK attachment slots? On both sides? Whaaaat?! How tacti-cool! You don’t see that too often on Nerf blasters. In fact, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Game Face’s last blaster, the Game Face Prime.

On the bottom of the handguard, you’ll find the priming mechanism of the Game Face Trion: an angled foregrip. The Trion is pump-action, so to operate the blaster, you grab the AFG (angled fore-grip) and you pump the sh*t out of it!
6. The Trion Has Slam-Fire!

Yup! That’s right, as you read earlier, the Game Face Trion has Slam-Fire! So you can pump the grip all the way back, until it clicks, and then all the way forward to prime the blaster. Then you can fire a controlled, more accurate shot. OR you can pump it back and forth while holding down the trigger to make it rain a shower of foam darts all over the place!
7. Game Face Trion Has Options
If you don’t like the AFG, you can just unscrew it and pop on another grip of your choosing. Hidden underneath the grip is a small picatinny rail, so you can attach any airsoft or maybe even real-steel foregrip.

Onwards and Upwards!
8. The Trion Can Be Fully Kitted Out
Up top is a full length picatinny rail. This is where you slide on the Game Face Trion’s included forward and rear ABS sights. You’re not limited to just those attachments, though. Since it is real, standard sized picatinny, you can connect a whole assortment of attachments.

Once again, just like with the M-LOK, you can choose from a myriad of airsoft or real steel attachments including optics, tactical lights or “torches,” dummy PEQ-15’s, whatever you want. I really don’t recommend an actual laser, guys, for obvious reasons.
9. The Action Access Window
Underneath the top rail, is the access window. Inside the access window, you can see the skinny “vanguard” style dart pusher. This allows you to remove or replace the mag without cocking the blaster back first. I love this feature.

Just like blasters you can dry-fire, it allows me to fool around and not break anything. In and out and in and out and in and out – I do this frequently with the mag and yes, it is addicting.
The access window’s main function is to allow you to reach in and clear any jammed darts. The action access window also allows you to single load darts… if you, uh, need to do that for some reason. This includes “double-length” Elite sized foam darts, too. Easy peasy.

If you somehow screw this up, though, you may need to reach in and clear a jam through the aforementioned access window. But, if you screwed up badly enough, the breech will be closed and the blaster will be effectively locked up.
Luckily, on the left side of the Game Face Trion, there is a priming lock release lever. It’s located right between the top tac rail and the access window. Push this little lever up and it will release the priming lock, allowing you to cock back the blaster and clear any jams. Voila!
10. The Trion is Compatible With ALL Your Mags!

Down below the access window is the mag-well. The Game Face Trion only shoots half-length darts, so the mag-well only accepts half-length dart magazines. Duh! The mag-well is flared, for easy insertion of your magazines, which guarantees fast and consistent mag changes.
The Trion is compatible with the Game Face mags, as well as Worker Talon mags, Dart Zone Pro mags, and even the outdated Jet Katana magazines. This level of compatibility is actually awesome and super refreshing. Gotta love that! Thank you, Trion. Thank you, Game Face!

The mag release is the familiar paddle style release that we’re used to, but it is a little further away from the pistol grip when compared with official Nerf blaster offerings. So depending on your hand size, this might make gravity dropping mags with your main hand a bit difficult.
11. It Has a Good Trigger Pull
Moving back to the trigger assembly, you will find your trigger, trigger guard, safety switch, and the pistol grip itself. The trigger is very thin, but it has a flat face so it’s mostly comfortable. Think more like the Pilot and less like the Stormcharge.

The trigger guard is large and leaves ample room to move your trigger finger around. The safety switch is business as usual. All of these new high powered blasters have safety switches now.
Push in the side of the safety with the “S” on it and the safety will engage, effectively locking the trigger. Push it in from the “F” side and you’re back in business!
12. The Grip and Stock can be Swapped Out
Now on to the pistol grip. The grip here is a bit undersized, but it’s decent enough and should work well for all hand sizes. If you find that’s not the case or you just don’t like it, though, much like with the priming handle AFG on the front of the blaster, the grip can be easily swapped out with a multitude of airsoft grips.

Please note that if you switch the pistol grip, you MUST switch the stock as well – they’re connected! The Game Face Trion’s connected thumbhole stock might look a little weird at first, but it’s fully adjustable and it’s actually quite comfortable.
More importantly, the Trion’s stock is also very sturdy. It stands up under the weight of the hefty prime of this powerhouse blaster. However, if you want to increase comfortability even further, you’ll find a standard mil-spec buffer tube under the shoulder stock. And you know what that means!

Much like the front grip and the pistol grip, the stock can be swapped out and changed to any standard M4 buffer tube stock that you want. Now while you’re swapping out that stock, you might find the end of the buffer tube looks a little… odd.
13. It Has Toolless Velocity Tuning

If the end of the buffer tube seems strange, that’s because this is actually the Game Face Trion’s toolless spring retainer. Make sure your blaster isn’t primed and then push the spring retainer in with the palm of your hand and twist it counter-clockwise, or to the left, 90 degrees.
It’ll pop out a little bit and you can pull the spring retainer out now. You’ll see the spring retention rod and on it, the main spring of the Trion. Slide the spring off and then put one or both of the included springer spacers onto the rod. (ayo?)

Slide the spring back on and then reinsert the whole thing back into the blaster. This time you’ll want to push in and turn clockwise, until it locks back into place. Slide the stock back on and you’re good to go. That’s it!
Congratulations! You’ve just increased the velocity of your Game Face Trion blaster and upped the FPS about 30 to 80+ points depending on how many spacers you used.
The Last Thing You Need To Know
Overall, the Game Face Trion is an awesome, amazingly powerful, highly adaptable and versatile, primary class blaster.

With the ability to change the velocity of the blaster in mere seconds, without the use of any tool, and the endless customization options like the easily swappable priming grip, pistol grip, and shoulder stock, the full length picatinny rail and M-LOK handguard, not to mention the super cross-compatibility with every popular short-dart mag on the market… the Game Face Trion is almost perfect.
Also, I mean look at that. The uber thin form factor of this blaster basically just disappears in your hands, fulfilling its ergonomic purpose entirely.

The ergonomics and power from the Game Face Trion, straight out of the box, means you can take the Trion straight from your mailbox to a Nerf War, regardless of the FPS cap, and you’ll be good to go! Outstanding!
However, I’ve been spoiled by all these super ergonomic, sometimes even padded, grips from other blasters. And so, I’ve found the grip on the Trion to be… quite lacking. It’s just a bit too small and a little too thin. That’s what she said. Also, the angled foregrip and the thumbhole stock might just not be your cup of tea.

Luckily, all of these problems can be quickly remedied with a few small purchases online. And so that means, the main flaw of the Game Face Trion is that some of its “optional” customization features basically become mandatory necessities, for some people.
I know I plan on swapping some of these parts out, replacing the furniture, but you might not have to. You might not want to. Even with my grip gripes, the Game Face Trion is still a mostly comfortable blaster to shoulder and fire.
To Buy or Not To Buy?
The Game Face Trion is a blast! And that’s why I’d say, if you like what you’ve seen or read here, I think you should definitely pick one of these up. The Trion is an amazing value for the price and well worth the purchase.
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And THAT is where the review ends. Thanks for reading. If you made it this far, let me know your thoughts on the Game Face Trion down below in the comments section. Have you picked one up yet? And if you did, did you have to break yours in as well? Let me know!
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Last update on 2025-03-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Foam Head Opinions