Welcome to the BLEENGA Best Seller List for all Nerf Blasters. Bleenga’s Nerf Blaster Best Seller list ranks the 10 top-selling blasters each month based on an analysis of sales from Amazon.com. Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t! Find out what the most popular blasters are. Find out what everyone is buying. Then check out my reviews to find out why. Behold, the Nerf Blaster Best Seller List!
Nerf Blaster From the Past Best Seller List.

Wow oh wow. Did I just step out of the freakin’ DeLorean? Look at what we have here… a Nerf Blaster Best Seller List from “last month” and the “month before last.” Sure, buddy. I haven’t updated this website in almost five years. Reading through these old articles is literally like jumping inside of a time capsule. Did I hop out of a Capsule Corp. Time Machine? I don’t know, but it’s not too bad. It’s actually kind of comforting and familiar. You know what? I think I miss these good old days. Let’s take a look at the Best Seller List one more time, this time we will really look at this month, November 2022. Let’s get it!
This Month’s List. (For Real.)

So number one (by a hair) on the Nerf Blaster Best Seller list is the Nerf DinoSquad Raptor-Slash Dart Blaster. What a name! Anyways this is basically a dinosaur themed Nerf Strongarm. 6-dart rotating drum, slam-fire, top priming slide, yup. Wait a minute, it’s supposed to be a… Velociraptor Blaster?
Whelp. I just bought it. Velociraptor is my favorite dinosaur. Hahaha, they got me good! I guess I’ll do a review on this now, too. Why not?
Number two is the Nerf Elite 2.0 Shockwave RD-15 Blaster. 15-dart rotating drum and pump-action slam-fire with a vertical pump grip? Hmm, this is basically a 2.0 version of the old Nerf Elite (1.0?) SurgeFire blaster. Hmm, not sure I’m too happy about that. It looks like a worse version, aesthetically speaking. Couldn’t really be worse in the performance department, could it? We will see. I think it may just be the colors. Maybe it will grow on me. I’ve also heard that it possible doesn’t have Slam-Fire? It says it does in the listing, but it may have been disabled. That’s very interesting. I’ll need to do some testing.
Third on the Nerf Blaster Best Seller list is the Nerf Elite 2.0 Echo CS-10 blaster. 10-dart mag, removable stock and barrel extension? C’mon, guys. This is a Nerf Retaliator. Although if I’m being honest, I much prefer the looks of the old Retaliator. This 2.0 style doesn’t seem so “Elite” to me, more like gaudy/futuristic. Unless extra tactical rails makes you more Elite. Guess so. At least they’re including more darts this time around. The blaster comes with a 10 round mag, but it comes with 12 orange darts and 12 blue darts.
Four is the Nerf Minecraft Pillager’s Crossbow. Now it’s time for me to confess something: For the last year of my extended “hiatus,” basically all I’ve done is play Minecraft and Call of Duty. (And get fatter…) So I love Minecraft. This Dart-Blasting Minecraft Crossbow includes 3 Elite Darts and “real crossbow action” with it’s pull to prime handle and strings on the bow. Kids will love it, no doubt. But, I would have liked if it had a little more detail. And maybe even more authentic coloring. Maybe a purple hue for an enchanted bow? But what do I know?
Fifth is the Nerf Elite 2.0 Ace SD-1 Dart Blaster. Well that’s a pretty freakin’ long name for a NERF JOLT! It’s a Jolt! JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLT! Jolty Jolty Jolt Jolt Jolt. What else can I say? It’s a Jolt. I plead the “fifth.” (Get it? Get it?)
Number six is… wait, what? Let me check my calendar real quick. … Yup, it’s still 2022. The Nerf Disruptor?! What?! You people really love the Strongarm family of blasters. First on the Nerf Blaster Best Seller list was the new Nerf DinoSquad Raptor-Slash, which is just a Dinosaur Strongarm. And now this. I wouldn’t be surprised if the OG Nerf Strongarm wasn’t on this list somewhere. Now, don’t get me wrong, the Nerf Disruptor is a great little blaster. It’s like a sleeker, smoother looking version of the Strongarm. THIS should have been Nerf 2.0. I love this little thing.
Lucky number seven is a blaster I’m not too familiar with, to be honest. It looks awesome, though! The NERF Elite 2.0 Motoblitz Blaster with integrated scope, motorized 10-dart blasting and the ability to “Airblitz” 6 darts from the underbarrel launcher looking thing. And it’s a bullpup, too? Sweet. It’s like a complicated Nerf Rayven. Hahaha. But, no, I really like it. Now that I think about it, this reminds me of the old mods that Coop772 and a lot of other Nerf Modders would do. I don’t know who did it first, but they would take a Nerf Rayven, add a Longstrike barrel and then permanently attach a Nerf Roughcut under the barrel. Nerf is definitely taking cues from the Nerf Internet Community, I swear! Anyway, I wonder how it performs… Might just have to pick one up and review it! This is the first Elite 2.0 blaster that I really like. I hope it’s not trash. Please don’t let it be trash.
Eight on my Nerf Blaster Best Seller List is another Minecraft themed blaster. Minecraft is still super popular and I love it because I’ve never been more into Minecraft. Let me know if you guys would be down to play some Minecraft and I’ll host a server or something. Anyway, number 8 on this list is the Nerf Minecraft Sabrewing Motorized Blaster Bow. When I first saw it, I was a bit skeptical. However, upon closer inspection this thing seems kind of rad. It actually utilizes a custom 8-dart magazine that is loaded into the top of the bow. Then you pull on the string and hold it back to prime it. After you’re primed, you just push the button on the grip and it fires darts semi-auto like a Nerf Stryfe. This is great.
For blaster number 9, we’re getting into another licensed video game themed blaster. Meet the Nerf Roblox Zombie Attack: Viper Strike. This is another Nerf Sniper blaster with a scope and a bipod. Also, the barrel looks like a snake. The muzzle is a snakes head, with darts coming out of its open mouth. I probably wouldn’t use this blaster myself, but it looks cool and I’m sure some of you guys would love it, no doubt. I’ve played my fair share of Roblox, too. Maybe I should start a gaming channel. Heh. Anyways, this Viper Strike comes with a code for an exclusive in game item for Roblox to add icing to the cake, so to speak.
Last, but apparently not least, on the Nerf Blaster Best Seller list is the newish Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic full auto gel blaster. It’s a bundle, too. It comes with 10,000 Gelfire rounds, an 800 round hopper, it includes a rechargeable battery (what!), and even comes with eye-pro right out of the box. That’s pretty awesome. Also, I hear the Gelfire rounds disintegrate on impact, leaving little to no mess to clean up afterwards. I can see why this thing is a best seller, for sure. I’ve got to try this thing out. A review should definitely be on the way.
And That’s a Wrap, Guys.
Scanning down through some more of the list to see if I notice anything worth mentioning. Hmm, I see a Nerf Black Panther Power Slash Claw, I see another Marvel Avengers Nerf crossover thing called the Mech Strike Captain America Strikeshot Shield. And ah, finally! I see our first Nerf Fortnite blaster! I play a little Fortnite here and there, too. I’ve always enjoyed that game. This Fortnite blaster is called the Nerf Fortnite 6-SH Dart Blaster. Looks like a Nerf Hammershot with a permanent long barrel. You guys should know I love the Hammershot, so I might have to check out this Fortnite Hammershot. I can’t resist it, guys! And after that you wouldn’t believe it. A Nerf Elite 2.0 version of the Strongarm, the Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander RD-6. Unbelievable. Then a pretty sweet looking Nerf MicroShots blaster bundle which I’m almost sure to buy. And another Strongarm?! It’s a Nerf Elite Disruptor in Dynamic Green. I’m really starting to think the Nerf Strongarm is the best selling Nerf blaster of all time when you include all of its variants and children and repaints. Geez! Alright, guys that’s it for this one. Hope you guys enjoyed hearing me rant and rave throughout my first blog post in a really long time. I’ve had fun and I’m starting to remember just how much I enjoy this. Hopefully the same goes for my YouTube channel revival. Until next time, guys, I…. wait… the OG Nerf Elite Retaliator is on the list! That’s awesome, what a classic blaster. And I even… NO! This can’t be….
Last Month’s List
1. Nerf Elite Strongarm
“Successor to the Maverick…
a strong reliable blaster
…challenger for the
best Nerf gun sidearm”
2. Nerf Zombie FlipFury
“…double cylinder Strongarm.
retains excellent Slam-Fire feature.
…and Elite class
power and ranges.”
3. Nerf Modulus ECS-10
New Nerf 2015: Nerf Modulus.
Best Nerf Gun: Nerf Modulus?
Nerf Modulus: Nerf in 2015.
New Nerf Modulus Info.
Nerf Modulus ECS-10 On Amazon!
Nerf Modulus Kits: Why I’m Excited.
Nerf Modulus Season.
4. Nerf Zombie Strike Crossfire
“Real Crossbow Action
If you love the look,
I can wholeheartedly
recommend this weapon”
5. Nerf Elite Rampage
a pump-action shotgun blaster.
ROF like greased lightning
priming handle grip, the Slam-Fire King!”
6. Nerf MEGA Centurion
Okay, so I honestly have no idea
why this blaster keeps selling so well.
7. Nerf Elite Crossbolt
the first bullpup clip-fed
crossbow blaster.
unique, great looking
piece of foam dart weaponry”
8. Nerf Elite Demolisher
“…motorized blaster
under-barrel foam
grenade launcher…
…unique banana clip”
9. Nerf Zombie Strike Hammershot
“a great sidearm. hammer-action.
one of the few non-electric blasters
that can be so effectively dual wielded.”
10. Nerf Elite Rough Cut 2×4
” sawed-off pump-action shotgun.
…two rows of four short barrels.
“smart” air restrictor system
fires two darts at a time”
The Month Before Last’s List.
1. Nerf Strongarm.
“Successor to the Maverick…
a strong reliable blaster
…challenger for the
best Nerf gun sidearm”
2. Nerf Retaliator.
“From the shoulder
stock to the fore-grip,
this is a cool, awesome,
amazing looking weapon.”
3. Nerf Triad/Jolt.
“…awesome backup weapon,
tucked away by your ankle.
firing ranges are on par
with all the bigger Elite rifles”
4. Nerf Demolisher.
“…motorized blaster
under-barrel foam
grenade launcher…
…unique banana clip”
5. Nerf Rayven.
“one of the coolest Nerf
blasters… bullpup design
… glow-in-the-dark darts
high rate-of-fire…”
6. Nerf Stryfe.
“… a hell of a blaster.
it’s accurate, consistent,
semi-auto shooting
akimbo/dual wielding…”
7. Nerf Rapidstrike.
“the very best there is.
When you absolutely,
positively, got to Nerf
every melon-farmer
in the room; accept no substitutes.”
8. Nerf Crossfire.
“Real Crossbow Action
If you love the look,
I can wholeheartedly
recommend this weapon”
9. Nerf Hammershot.
“a great sidearm. hammer-action.
one of the few non-electric blasters
that can be so effectively
dual wielded.”
10. Nerf Magnus.
“… the Desert Eagle of Nerf.
big and intimidating.
uses the new, larger
Mega Nerf dart.”