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Oh my goodness. Where did this blaster come from? It sounds amazing. And sexy.

The motorized, 20 dart drum, rapid-fire Nerf Rebelle Fearless Flyer!
Okay, hats off to you Nerf. Very good stuff here. Look at this beauty. Man! The Nerf Rebelle Fearless Flyer. Wow. Okay. When Nerf Rebelle first came out, I was really excited. They came out with a couple of original blasters, a couple of N-Strike Elite sex-changes, and a lot of bows. A lot of bows. All good stuff. Then, I honestly started to get a little bored with the Rebelle line.
And then they came out with the Spylight and I got familiar with the Rapid Red. Cue the return of my excitement for the series. Now, with the Nerf Rebelle Fearless Flyer, you could do a whole Rebelle Only blaster loadout. And you could perform really well and dominate with it. Good stuff! Let’s take a closer look at this beauty.:

Nerf Rebelle Fearless Flyer.
We’ve seen the blaster itself, now let’s look at the official description from Nerf.:
Take aim for undercover missions and secrets with the Nerf Rebelle Fearless Fire blaster! With this powerful motorized blaster, you can rapid-fire 20 darts without reloading with the acceleration button. When the batteries, you can launch 20 darts in 10 seconds at targets up to 75 feet (22 meters) away! But this blaster lets you be sneaky too. You can write and send secrets in plain sight with the Message Darts, special pen and decoder. You'll be the super-spy with style on the battlefield with the Fearless Fire blaster! Nerf Rebelle and all related properties are trademarks of Hasbro.
Includes blaster, 20 darts, pen, decoder and instructions.
- Motorized Fearless Fire blaster can rapid-fire up to 20 darts
- Fires 20 darts in 10 seconds (with fresh batteries)
- Includes 15 collectible darts, 5 Message Darts, a special pen and a decoder for your secret messages
- Fast-fire up to 20 darts without reloading with the acceleration button
- Fires darts up to 75 feet (22 meters)
Okay, let’s see. It says the Nerf Rebelle Fearless Flyer is a motorized, rapid-fire blaster. So we know that means it runs on batteries and has flywheels. But I’m still not sure if that means it is semi-automatic or full auto. I’m going to guess(and hope) that it’s semi-auto. It says you can fire 20 darts in 10 seconds, and that definitely sounds like semi-auto.
It’s also surprisingly not a Clip System blaster. It uses a 20-dart auto rotating drum. In the midst of Nerf RotoFury reveals, that is pretty cool. And we haven’t seen a flywheel revolver or anything similar since the Nerf Stockade. Looking at the shoulder stock, it is very reminiscent of other Rebelle stocks like the Rebelle Guardian Bow stock (which is kind of bad, since it means it will be undersized)
The overall design and especially the foregrip, make this blaster very reminiscent of the Buzz Bee Auto Tommy 20. Both of these blasters look like they were based off of the real life Tommy Gun. You can see an airsoft variant of the Tommy Gun here: Soft Air Thompson 1928 AEG Airsoft Gun.
I love the looks of this gun, and the specs and description make it sound like it will be a more than capable blaster. What do you think? I’m still a bit worried about the size, but for younger or smaller Nerfers I’m sure it will be great! Let me know how you really feel, down in the comments section down below! Stay Nerfy, Foam heads!
Source: Southern Brisbane Nerf Club.
I think the female nerfers out there deserve blasters that can compete with what the boys usually get. It would be nice if nerf made rebelle line blasters that put to shame the “elite” brand. the rebelle red is much smoother in operation than the stryfe, hope that is not the only blaster that bests an elite line blaster.
Hello and thanks for commenting!
I think they are doing pretty well with the Nerf Rebelle line overall. The Five by Five blaster (the one first seen in the Sweet Revenge Kit) is sometimes chosen over its Hammershot counterpart. And like you said, the Rapid Red is very similar to the amazing Nerf Stryfe. They even have that Rapid Glow blaster to go up against the Nerf Rayven.
So, yeah, I think Nerf is treating its ladies right. And when they announce a blaster like the one up above, it makes me almost jealous to think that we won’t see something like that on the Elite side of things. All in all, Nerf is doing a good job.
I’m sure we’ll see more and more exciting and powerful blasters coming out on the Nerf Rebelle line of blasters pretty soon.