<strong>Nerf Rebelle Sweet Revenge</strong>
Fire Rate
User Review
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The Nerf Rebelle Sweet Revenge Dart Kit is a solid offering. Its smooth, jam-free firing is a hit. It’s ranges are comparable to the N-Strike Elite blasters. It’s form resembles the great Nerf Zombie Strike Hammershot. It can be effectively fired with one hand, allowing for dual wield blasters. The size of the blaster can prove to be a little much for smaller hands, necessitating the use of both hands to reliably prime and fire the blaster.
Nerf Rebelle Sweet Revenge
I’ll never forget the first time I saw Nerf’s Rebelle line of blasters. I was in a Toys R Us shopping with my, then pregnant, wife for baby supplies. We walked by the toy aisle, and that’s when I saw it: The Nerf Rebelle Sweet Revenge. I couldn’t believe it. A pink Nerf gun? A Nerf gun for girls? Was I seeing things? If my wife has a baby girl, I thought, maybe my Nerf war dreams could still come true.
The Nerf Rebelle Sweet Revenge blaster is a nice looking piece of hardware. It is very beautifully painted. It utilizes a good contrast of colors that really help to make it stand out on the shelf. This is like nothing you’ve seen from Nerf before. The big round ring on the bottom of the handle is technically a sling strap attachment point. But to me it looks like an ideal location for some type of charm bracelet or pendant. There is a single tactical rail up top for any Nerf gun attachments or accessories. It is a five-shot hammer action revolving gun and closely resembles the Nerf Zombie Strike Hammershot Blaster in form and function as it uses the same underlying mechanics. This gun is obviously more feminine and has a more smooth and curvy design, but it is essentially the same. Therefore it could be considered the “sister-blaster” to the Nerf Hammershot. The Sweet Revenge Kit comes with the blaster and five Rebelle darts. It also includes a pretty functional clip on holster, and a pair of glasses. I definitely recommend the Sweet Revenge Kit as it a good bargain for the price.
Although I honestly don’t foresee the glasses being used too much.
Not after the first couple of days, anyway. However, eye protection is very important. With younger children especially, you may want to coax them into using the glasses continuously. This gun has a great accuracy and fires the darts quickly and at quite a good range, comparable to the Elite series of Nerf blasters. Due to its trusty revolver design, the Sweet Revenge will never jam. That is a trait that makes it the perfect backup weapon. The gun might be a little large in size for smaller hands, though. And I have heard complaints from different girls of it being too hard to reach the hammer and cock the gun without using both hands. If you can manage to reach the hammer easily, then you’re in for a treat. This weapon can be cocked back and fired with one hand, size permitting, allowing for dual-wielding of blasters!
Sweet Dreams
If you’ll be picking up this Nerf Rebelle Sweet Revenge Dart Kit for that special little lady in your life, you’ll want to grab some extra darts. For that I recommend the Nerf Rebelle Secrets and Spies Dart Refill Pack. It has unique designs on the darts and they complement the blaster quite perfectly actually. Also, they are comparable to the Elite series darts and therefore you can count on them for supreme reliability and superior range and distance. This is a very good starter kit to introduce any girl into the fun that is Nerf. It comes with a great stylish blaster, a cool holster with extra dart storage, and a pair of shades. All of that for a super low price, too. That about does it, ladies and gents. (And ladies.) This has been the Nerf Rebelle Sweet Revenge review, courtesy of Nerf Gun Attachments.
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