The Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury is a good blaster. I normally don’t like all orange blasters, but I think it works for the FlipFury. That flip-lever is ingenious. It’s the only thing that hopes to elevate this above the dirty modwork people have been doing for years with their double and triple cylinder Mavericks and Strongarms. The FlipFury has a neat design, and a good feel to it. However, it may be a little too big and unwieldly for some people.
Table of Contents
Behind every great commercial business, lurking deep within the shadows, lie a group of modders. The modding community is full of bright minds. Tinkerers, tailors, soldiers, and spies, so to speak. They always take the biggest risks and come up with the craziest ideas. They always think outside of the box. Then, when they stumble upon an idea that is truly great, it literally cannot be contained.
The company who manufactures the product will swoop in and snatch your enhancement modification and be gone into the night. They will streamline it and refine it and incorporate it into their main product without a second thought. We’ve seen it with Apple and the jailbreak community and now, we’re seeing it with Nerf. Ladies, gentleman, and kids of all ages: Meet the Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury.
A History Of Modding

The Nerf FlipFury may look familiar to you. For years, modders in the Nerf community have been making double and triple cylinder blaster modifications. I’ve seen it with the Maverick and I’ve seen it with the Strongarm. In case you haven’t noticed.: It was freaking awesome.
The blaster in the picture up above has been modified to include 3 cylinders. When all the chambers are empty, you can rotate the cylinders by hand. This blaster also has a mod kit installed to increase it’s power and range. This kit was made by Orange Mod Works, which is a well known and respected modding company. Finally, it has a sick custom paint job.
I’m honestly starting to feel bad for posting this, because I don’t see how the Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury can beat this.
Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury

Okay. Finally we move on to the Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury itself. Looking at this blaster, it seems to be a double cylinder Nerf Strongarm, with a Zombie Strike paint job. I love the Nerf Strongarm (you can check my review here). It’s also consistently one of the best selling Nerf blasters right now, and for good reason.
However, I never thought it quite lived up to the Nerf Maverick, aesthetically. The Strongarm was too slim and elongated. The Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury definitely beefs things up in that department. This blaster is huge. Twice the size of the Strongarm. It retains the excellent Slam-Fire and Elite power and range, but gains a second cylinder. This effectively doubles the ammo capacity.
To shoot the FlipFury, cock back the pistol slide and squeeze the trigger. Rinse and repeat. Or, you can utilize the Slam-Fire function. Slam-Fire is a rapid fire shooting mode reminiscent of single action revolvers from the Wild West. You would hold the trigger down and then repeatedly pull the slide back repeatedly. That technique should get you through 6 darts in just a couple of seconds.
Then you press the secondary trigger on the FlipFury. The cylinders “flip” over and rotate, allowing you to fire off another 6 darts. Once all your chambers are empty, it’s time to reload. The Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury is a front-loading revolver. You have to put each dart in the chamber individually. Boy, when is Nerf going to come out with a speed loader?
Nerf Versus The Modders
In one hand we have the 18-shot, triple cylinder, custom Nerf Strongarm. In the other, we have the Nerf FlipFury. It’s so close, how can I possibly choose? Wait. It took me how many hours to procure all of the tools and supplies that I needed to mod my Strongarm? And I still have to flip the cylinders manually? See, that’s where Nerf wins.
To get the FlipFury blaster, all I have to do is launch my web browser and go to That’s it. It’s on my doorstep in 2 days or less. Ultimately, it’s up to you. Either way, you will end up with a great blaster. They both shoot fast, far, and accurately (for Elite darts). If you’re really into modding and are sure you can do it, the modded Strongarm might be a good choice. If you just want your blaster right away, with minimal effort, get the Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury.
Featured MOD
This Dead Space themed mod is very reminiscent of the Plasma Cutter that the main character used in the aforementioned video game series. That’s very cool, because as soon as I saw the Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury blaster, I thought it looked sort of like an orange Plasma Cutter. Very cool. This mod is by Nitemarechilddesign on You can click the pic to check out more pics of this blaster and to see some of his other work.
[…] darts unfortunately. After regretfully putting the Bumblebee blaster back, I stumbled upon an old Zombie Strike Flip Fury blaster. I have fond memories of this blaster, but… not enough to buy it! […]