The Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire is a good blaster. It has solid stats as far as power goes. But, for this blaster, try not to let the stats rule your decision. The unique lever-action blasting — that’s what you should focus on. If you think you’d have fun swinging this around, pulling off different trickshots, this blaster is for you. Hands down. I’ve had so much fun just opening and closing the lever. That should tell you something.
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Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire
Here goes my *shot* at a Slingfire review…

This is the Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire. It is a primary class, mag-fed blaster with an integrated buttstock and a lever-action prime. Wait, what?! Lever-Action is so underrated and they really need to release more blasters with this priming mech. But more on that later.
While it’s no secret that I am a fan of these Zombie themed Nerf blasters, (the Hammershot is one of my all time favorites) the Nerf Zombie Strike SlingFire Blaster definitely raises the bar. This is hands down the best looking and most well designed primary class Nerf gun blaster in the Zombie Strike series of foam flingers. So far.
As far as the design cues, we have the post-apocalyptic zombie wasteland theme again, with the wooden stock and the rugged, worn look of the blaster overall. Some people don’t like the faux wood of the stock or the fake plastic wrapping, but I’m a fan. It is modeled after what appears to be a sawed off lever-action rifle. Yes, I said lever-action. Does that remind you of anything in particular? Hmm, I wonder.
Come With Me If You Want To Live
The Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire looks phenomenal. It’s only my opinion, sure, but it’s the correct one. I don’t think there’s any denying that fact. But is it a case of form over function, or does the blaster perform as well as it looks? Well, I can tell you right now: It doesn’t disappoint.
It’s not the best performing blaster on the lineup, but it does hold its own. It has standard range for it’s class and manages to shoot the darts at a distance of about 60 feet. The accuracy is average and the rate-of-fire depends solely on the user, as it is a Lever-Action Blaster.
So if you find yourself being outgunned, you better practice those lever flips. Or if you want efficiency over flash, then brace the stock into your shoulder and go beast mode. The Slingfire is capable, but the question is: Are you?
The included mag only holds six darts and although you can use bigger mags, I’ve heard they get in the way of the lever action. Plus, it throws off the balance of the blaster, especially when doing trick-shot reloads. This blaster is a very capable and competent device, and it provides a very reliable and consistent experience. And then there’s the lever-action.
Man, oh man. Working that lever-action is so fun. There are a few different ways to prime this blaster. One, you can hold the blaster steady with one hand and open and close the lever with your other hand. Two, you can hold the blaster with only one hand, by the lever, and flick the blaster forward and backwards. Three, you would be swinging the entire blaster around by the lever and it would prime as it’s coming back around. Too cool for words. There have been times where I’ve just been home alone trick-shotting the wall repeatedly. I can’t get enough of it.
Hasta La Vista, Baby!
You have your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle, now all you need is the Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire blaster. This blaster may not be the best performing, but it is just so damn fun to use that it’s shortcomings cease to matter. I just can’t get over how cool it is to swing this blaster around by the Lever, priming it at the same time, a la Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator 2 film. And that’s what the final word is. How much fun you have with your blaster is the single most important aspect.
Nowadays, most of these blasters have comparable stats anyway. They are all going to be firing 55-65 feet. They are all going to have decent accuracy, for Nerf. What really will set any blaster apart is the unique features it has. A unique design, a cool way to prime or fire. Stuff like that. If you plan on buying the Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire, all you will need is a bigger mag and some extra darts. Anything else might just get in the way of the Lever.
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Thanks so much! I lost my mag like about 1 year ago and I didn’t realize I could use a hyperfire one! Thanks!