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Purchasing Power.
Looking for Nerf guns for sale? You’ve read each review. Twice. You’ve seen the blaster in videos. Maybe you may have even used a friends blaster at that last Nerf War. Now you’re ready to buy a Nerf blaster of your own. But now what? Where do you go? Where do you find Nerf guns for sale? How do you go about purchasing one? What are the best options? There are more than your fair share of choices of where to buy Nerf guns. There are Nerf guns for sale everywhere. Don’t forget to consider price, product selection, and availability. Customer service and return policies are important, too. Well, let’s take a closer look, shall we?
Retail Rundown.
Where to buy NERF?
Prices Valid as of January 7th 2023.
Did you check the prices on Amazon? If you did, I’m sure your choice has already been made. Amazon is the clear winner here. Even when prices are close or even the same, Amazon still wins. Why? Ease of use of the Amazon site. Excellent customer service. A great return policy. I’m biased, yes. I am an Amazon Prime user. I hate leaving my house to go shopping. It’s such a waste. I do all of my shopping online whenever I can. Sure, if you go to a brick & mortar store you can get the item right away. It’s in your hands right then and there. That’s nice. I’d rather wait a couple of days and avoid the sweaty, sick, stinky people and the long lines. And the traffic and the parking. And so on and so forth.
Amazon is the trusted leader in online retail shopping. And they don’t disappoint here. They have a great, if not the best, selection of Nerf guns for sale anywhere. Amazon also likes to keep a good supply. Their items are in stock most of the time. When they aren’t, there will usually be a note telling you when the item is due back in stock. And they almost always have the best prices. I’ve seen Amazon beat competitors prices, even when the other store was having a “sale.” Bananas.
Spend $35 bucks and the shipping is free. Alternatively, get Amazon Prime. It’s well worth the price. There’s so much more to it than just free 2-day shipping. All of this without even mentioning the eBay inspired 3rd party Amazon Marketplace. Or the great quality used and open-box products for sale at Amazon Warehouse Deals. So in summation, Amazon generally has the best price and selection of Nerf guns for sale available. What are you waiting for?
Hasbro is the maker of all things Nerf. Love them. I know no one really shops from the Hasbro Toy Shop. I know all the prices are high. I know this. I just threw this in there as a kind of baseline for the MSRP price levels. Also, they pretty much have listings for all current Nerf guns for sale.
Toys R Us.
Toys R Us. The one time King of all Kids Toys. Biggest toy store in the world. Now? They seem more focused on their Babies R Us baby gear stores. On the bright side, TRU usually has a pretty decent selection of Nerf guns on sale. The not so bright side? They tend to sell out a lot. I’ve gone to Toys R Us and seen a barren wasteland in the Nerf aisle. Empty shelves and debris everywhere. Funny thing is, I don’t know why their stock keeps selling out. They have some of the worst prices ever. Why do people keep going there? Shop around a little bit.
I used to love going to Target. Pick up a few blu-ray movies, buy a new music album, whatever. They were good for that. I’d go hang out at the Starbucks and talk to the girls there. Target was cool. Nowadays, though? They have decent pricing for these Nerf guns on sale, but their selection is not so good. There were many, many blasters that I would consider mainstream that I just couldn’t find for sale at Target. Others were just sold out and forgotten about. Disappointing.
Walmart is one of the biggest chain stores in the country. And they know how to do business. They are frequently price-matching, both in store and online. As a result, their prices are usually very competitive. Good. Another tactic they have is pricing items 10 cents less than the competition. It’s technically cheaper, so yeah. It works. People fall for their $xx.88 prices all the time. However, their selection of Nerf guns for sale isn’t the greatest, either. At times I just could not find certain blasters.
Ah, eBay. The World’s Online Marketplace. You’re supposedly able to get anything on here. And it’s usually a pretty accurate claim. eBay is the place to look when you can’t find something anywhere else. Their prices are all over the place, but if you sift through the results you will most likely find a deal on Nerf guns for sale. Here, you can find these blasters new and used, in varying states of completion. Problems with eBay and Craigslist include shady sellers, slow shipping, or getting ripped off.
Pull the Trigger.
Pull the trigger, Piglet. Don’t hesitate. Indecision is the enemy of progress. Not saying yes to one possibility is saying no to them all. And why would you want to say no to Nerf guns for sale at Amazon?
There are so many reasons to say yes. Great prices? Yes, their Nerf guns for sale are almost always at a bargain. Huge selection? Yes, they have one of the biggest selections of Nerf guns for sale. Free shipping? Yes. Nerf guns for sale with no shipping fees? It’s a no brainer. The other retailers are okay if they’re the only choice. But don’t settle for less. You deserve better.
On the bright side, you can still shop those other retailers online. They all have functional websites. In fact, Toys R Us and Target even have official eBay stores. I like the eBay stores because you know it’s from a trusted source, yet you can compare eBay auction prices easier since it is all in one place. Also, you can use PayPal to buy everything. Usually the thing that kills most online shopping is the shipping costs. And they can be substantial, even with some of these bigger retailers.
That leads me to my last resort option.: Brick & Mortar stores. Ugh. Driving, or even worse: taking the bus, to the mall or wherever the store is located. Waiting in line. So lame. But you get the item right away. That’s the biggest plus from shopping offline. Then again, sometimes you’ll go to a brick & mortar store and they just won’t have what you wanted. A wasted trip. Even sometimes when you check the availability online or even if you call first, they just won’t have it when you get to the store. I hate that.
But either way, like I said, I don’t mind waiting two days for an item to arrive. Knowing that I got the best deal for something makes me feel better about not getting it right away. If I’m ever at a store somewhere, what I like to do is actually look at an item in store. I’ll check it out in person, and then check a site like this one for reviews on the product. Then I’ll buy it online from Amazon. Sometimes I’ll even make the Amazon purchase while I’m still inside of the store. No regrets.
Last update on 2025-03-14 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API